Monday, May 4, 2020
Gender Discrimination and Equal Rights of Women †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Gender Discrimination and Equal Rights of Women. Answer: Introduction Gender discrimination at workplace involves unfair treatment of employees or those applying for the job in an organization. The discrimination arises one sex is favored more than the other regarding payments and opportunities. In most workplaces, women seem to be the most largely affected as they are subjected to discrimination from both sexes (Ashappa, 2012). The discrimination seems to take place even in countries that have already introduced law and regulations against gender discrimination at the workplace. Apart from unequal pay and opportunities, the forms of gender discrimination witnessed at workplace include diminished responsibilities, where the women are exempted from some duties such as those that involve masculinity (Bobbitt-Zeher, 2011). Another form gender inequality is the type of conversation that is conducted at the workplace, conversation between men and between women and the management ha been found to differ. Also, positional biases, which assume only that women are suited for the receptionist position. Finally, sexual harassment is also another form of gender discrimination. Our group held several meetings upon which it decided to address the topic on gender discrimination. When it comes to gender discrimination, women seem to be suffering the most. In the early days, women were not given the same rights as men. Women had no right to vote, and upon marriage, they were supposed to surrender their property to their husbands. Also, they had limited opportunities in education as well as occupations. The society believed that the women place was raising children, tending to domestic affairs and cooking (Doyle, 2017). The group agreed that the women would focus on the issues relating to achievements made through the fight against gender discrimination, while the men tackled the issues relating to law and policies made to reduce gender inequality in the workplace. Women began to join the workforce and rejected the homemaker role; this further increased the momentum in the fight for equal right and aided the achievement of a milestone in 1964 where the equal pay law was passed to restrict discrimination at the workplace. However, despite these achievements, gender discrimination is still rampant in the workplace. The group has dedicated its efforts to study gender discrimination at work in Australian organizations and try to give options through which the situation can be improved (Healey, 2015). The women were assigned a task to research on the history regarding gender discrimination in Australia, while the men addressed the policies that have been put in place to help curb gender discrimination. The women discovered that gender discrimination has been in existence since time in memorial, women have been regarded to be the inferior gender in the society. However, in early 1800, efforts to fight for equality started to emerge whereby women were now allowed by the law to retain their property after marriage. Another milestone that was achieved in the fight is the prohibition of the employer to discriminate the employees on the grounds of gender regarding compensation. However, the efforts have not yet managed to achieve the desired gender equality. Research conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on business organizations across Australia revealed that between 1990 t0o 2009 the salary payment by gender had a constant gap of about 17%. Moreover, the enactment of sex di scrimination act in 1984, so the government introduces theWomen's Royal Australian Naval Service in 1985 as well as the removal of a restriction that barred married women from serving in the Naval Service. On the other hand, men researched on the policies that have been put down in the Australian constitution, which discourages against gender discrimination, such laws include the sex discrimination act that was passed in 1984. This law gives effect to Australia's obligation under the convention, to eliminate any discrimination against women as well as specific aspects in the international labor organization. The agendas of this law are as follows; To eliminate sexual harassment in organizations and institutions, so as to ensure the provision of services without discrimination. To ensure non-discrimination on the ground of sexuality, pregnancy or material status as well as on family responsibilities The team agreed that the objective of addressing the gender equality at work within organizations would involve finding out on the laws and regulations that have been laid down pertaining this topic as well as the journey the history of ratio discrimination, which will be used to emphasize on the topic. The second objective of coming up with ways to eradicate gender discrimination will involve identifying policies that can be applied in organizations (Hirsch, 2016). The third objective pertaining the implementation plan will involve working with the management to ensure that the identified policies are put in place and in an appropriate way that can help eradicate gender discrimination. After identifying the objectives, the team preceded to the set the measurement on the objectives. The expected outcome is that the staff at the selected organizations will cooperate and be ready to share on the issues affecting them relating to gender discrimination, and it is also expected that during the process of addressing the gender discrimination, no one will be victimized upon sharing the information The other expectation is that the policies that will be identified about gender discrimination will be relevant to the goal of the team in racial discrimination eradication and that the policies will have been proven to work in other organizations (Katz, 2015). The team also expects that the management, as well as the society, will realize the benefits of promoting gender equality and therefore corporate with the team to address the issue through introducing the identified policies into their strategies. Timeliness and resources required The team decided that it would take one week to address the issue of gender discrimination in the selected organization; also, the team has set out two days in the following week to hold a seminar and talk about gender equality to the staff. Incas the activity fails to be completed within a week an additional three days will be allowed (Kira and Hanaa, 2015). Within the first week, issues related to policies will be thoroughly worked on to ensure that they are addressed and well explained during the seminars. Moreover, the policy issues might be addressed at the management level that will then inform the workforce on the policies. The team agreed that the funds required to conduct this activity would be recouped once the seminars have been held and in the meanwhile, individual contributions would help to sustain the team activities. These funds would be used to support activities such as transport cost purchase of office stationery and publishing materials (Kraal, Roseland, and Wrench, 2010). It is also expected that management in the selected organizations will cooperate with our team and implement the policies that the team has come up with within a years' time from the time of identification. While addressing this objective, various risks are associated with them is risks may include: Infringement of employees privacy; the team will have to engage the organizations employees in addressing the gender discrimination, in the process of doing so there might be chances that some of the staff rights and privacy will be violated. Financial risk; the team will require funds to run the activities of addressing gender discrimination. These activities might be more costly to the point that it outruns the budget. Moreover, the cost might be so huge such that the amount obtained during the seminar will not be enough (Langwith, 2008). Also, the policies developed by the team risk to be rejected as the management might view them as irrelevant and unproductive to the company as they do not bring any profit along instead they increase the cost of operations within the organization. Company privacy infringement is another risk that the team is willing to take in its effort to eradicate gender discrimination. This move might even lead to lawsuits as some organization might regard it as prying. Another risk is the irrelevance of the topic to the existing organization structure; the topic might be going too far in addressing gender discrimination in this particular organization while most of the activities undertaken in such an organization involve muscles, which is inclined to one side of the gender(Mary, 2016). Every plan can never e complete without the evaluation mechanism. The time decided to use the following evaluation methods after a long, intense argument. As for the research o the background of racial discrimination, which was handled by the women, the evaluation method used, aimed at establishing the relevance of the content to the targeted audience, the authenticity of the content as well as how the content can be used to influence changes in organizations. The background history of gender discrimination is to be evaluated by the end of the week to ensure it is in order and can be used during the seminar (Scott, 2017). The other issue regarding policies, which was tackled by men, was evaluated based on authenticity, practicality as well as how effective it was in addressing the issue on gender discrimination. These policies will be evaluated at the end of the first week as they are to be used during the seminar The team also deliberated on holding a seminar, which aims to inform the company staff on the issue of gender equality. This is seminar has also been provided with a method of evaluation which include using questioners that will be filled by the audience regarding how they have understood the issue, how they view the issue as well as how efficient the methods used to deliver the message were effective. The evaluation will be conducted at the end of the seminars to obtain the feedback. However, the feedback will be used only among the team members and will not be disclosed to the audience (Vandenberghe, 2011). Finally, the implementation of gender discrimination by the management, which is to take place within a year, will also be evaluated. The evaluation method employed in this case will involve internal management functions as well as those of the team efforts. The reason for involving the management is because the implementation process will be carried out by the management (Wallen, 2017). Conclusion Gender discrimination is an issue that needs to be thoroughly addressed to ensure that the organizations staffs are given fair treatment. The eradication of gender discrimination within the organization might not lead to direct financial benefits to the organization but will contribute a lot in the following areas. Productivity; that individual who are subjected to gender discrimination lose the motivation required to perform their duties accordingly. The discrimination may include a joke relating to the employee gender, which portrays inferiority. This discrimination leads to loss of productivity as the employee morale continues to decrease Promotions; women are always disadvantaged when it comes to promotions; this is because they are torn between family duties and work duties. Although the law has restricted organization from disputing women from promotion based on family grounds, organizations have not yet fully abandoned this trend. This has seen organizations deny women an equal opportunity to display their talents and serve the organization. Finally, gender discrimination might lead to the destruction of self-esteem, apart from reducing the organization productivity; it may also damage the performance of an employee at a personal level leading to low self-esteem. References Ashappa, D. (2012). Gender Discrimination and Equal Rights of Women.Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research, 3(4), pp.242-243. Bobbitt-Zeher, D. (2011). Gender Discrimination at Work.Gender Society, 25(6), pp.764-786. Doyle, A. (2017).Types of Employment Discrimination With Examples. [online] The Balance. Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017]. Healey, J. (2015).Gender discrimination and inequality. 1st ed. Healey, K. (2013).Gender discrimination. 1st ed. Wentworth Falls, N.S.W.: Spinney Press. Hirsch, B. (2016). Gender wage discrimination.IZA World of Labor. Katz, K. (2015).Gender, work, and wages in the Soviet Union. 1st ed. 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