Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Information System Management Essay
Another idea in today’s IT world is seaward sourcing in Information Systems which is a change in perspective from the conventional Business Process Outsourcing. Despite the fact that the last has been encouraged by the rewarding IT framework, it is critical to concentrate and accentuation on what has achieved seaward Information System sourcing. This diary article has hypothetically investigated on factors which the writers considers are the key drivers that can impact an organization to go seaward. Also, to basically effectively express the idea, the article has solely completed and clarified a contextual investigation on ComputerInc, an Australian IT administrations organization. Thus, a portion of the key-driving variables incorporate getting and staying serious, lessening operational expenses, and expanding the piece of the overall industry. By and by, key difficulties incorporate by and large demanding administration, staff unsettling, and brought down nature of administrations. This article is important in that the jobs of the administration for example that of Chief Information Officer is basic in making suitable choices. Such incorporate wandering into IS seaward sourcing in order to drive associations innovatively and receive rewards, for example, decreased activity costs (McNurlin, et al. 2009, pp. 10-13). In the article, ComputerInc is contended to have expanded its worldwide piece of the pie because of IS seaward redistributing (Beverakis et al. 2009, p. 35). In such manner, McNurlin, et al. (2009, pp. 17-20) have characterized jobs of IT framework into three: working internal, working outside, and working over. Advantages incorporate worldwide situating, banding together, and expanding the customers base if/when appropriate IS arranging is finished by the chiefs. The article clarifies how practical choices made by ComputerInc’s the executives drove the organization into seaward re-appropriating, accomplish a worldwide position, and order a serious piece of the pie (McNurlin, et al. 2009, p. 18). This relates to the learning results of this course and hence I would grant the article an estimation of four out of five on a score-scale. The Journal of Global Information Management is a scholarly diary distributed by the Information Resources Management Association. The Editor-in-boss for this diary is called Felix B Tan of Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. Diary of Global Information Management is distributed on quarterly premise each year. In every year, a solitary volume is discharged however in each quarter the discharged diary is appointed a different issue number. The diary is both on the web and in print and it is open at an individual level and to organizations. Be that as it may, to get to the diary membership is an unquestionable requirement whereby printed diary goes is sold at $ 545 and $ 195 to an organization and individual separately (JGIM 2010). In all the issues of the Journal of Global Information Management underlines on all the ideas identified with the executives of overall data assets. The diary makes a gathering where experts and scientists disperse current and surfacing data in both hypothetical and viable point of view according to data innovation and data asset the executives at worldwide level. Along these lines its principle objective is put fundamental accentuation on authoritative and administrative parts of Information Technology assets the board. It covers on a scope of issues, for example, approaches, disappointment, use, achievement, applications, and methodologies of IT in business ventures both in created and rising economies (JGIM 2010). The Journal of Global Information Management has spread out methods whereby experts and specialists particularly in the field of data framework the executives share their insight with respect to rising difficulties, presented by IT advancements. Through its contextual investigations, the diary proposes implies on the best way to coordinate data innovation procedures into current administrative techniques. Along these lines, it covers on the learning results of this course, for example, job of IS directors, significance of IS/IT in driving organizations to the worldwide middle of everyone's attention (JGIM 2010). In this article, it is recognized that data framework seaward redistributing has throughout the years expanded radically. In the exploration study, various advances engaged with settling on such choices at the administration level have been recognized. It expresses that IT chiefs burdens the advantages and difficulties of seaward re-appropriating, assesses the all the coordinations engaged with the procedure, and decides the overall geology. The exploration depends on writing survey of existing companies’ measurable reports as introduced in yearly discharges. The article expresses that seaward re-appropriating outperforms coastal re-appropriating as far as advantages and dangers included. USA, UK, France, and Germany are the major IS seaward outsourcers in nations, for example, India, and China. Decrease in activity costs has been distinguished as the key inspiration while it additionally focuses on that quality administrations, security, and supplier area must be thought of. The key components recognized by Reyes, Jose and Juan (2006, p. 234) that impact seaward re-appropriating are showcase and monetary globalization, investment funds on operational expenses regarding pay rates paid to the staff, lack of talented labor, the need to decrease IS projects’ improvement time-cycle, and the development or access to web by huge number of individuals (McNurlin, et al. 2009, pp. 7 and 33-39). This article exhibits and underlines on key advances that data framework supervisors of any association need to take while settling on choices on whether to re-appropriate a portion of their administrations seaward. In examination, McNurlin, et al. 2009, p. 11) in their book recognizes a similar that CIO’s should plan strategies, break down potential advantages and dangers to settle on educated choices. As to the learning results of ECOM20001, the article is unequivocal on what boss data officials are relied upon to do, have introduced measurable proof on how organizations grow due to redistributing and the effect of globalization on organization exercises as far as dangers and advantages. Considering such inclusion on E-enablement and globalization I would grant the article a score of five.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Lord of The Flies The Evil ; Primitivism in Man Essay Example For Students
Master of The Flies: The Evil ; Primitivism in Man Essay In the story Lord of the Flies Ralph, the popularity based character, and Jack,the tyrant are the most significant fundamental characters. Ralph is the voice of hopeon the island, and without that, the young men would have gone to brutality muchfaster, and heavily influenced by Jack. William Golding utilizes Ralph and hischaracter foil, Jack, to show how human progress works and how it doesnt. Jack,the head of the trackers, speaks to the shrouded human energy and nearly animalcruelty, and Ralph, who speaks to human presence of mind to show how civlization is. This story is a purposeful anecdote. This implies the character, occasions and settingrepresent more profound realities or speculations then those recommended by the surfacestory. There are four principle characters, and each character speaks to differenttypes of individuals on the planet. Jack is the despot who uses power to show histhoughts and emotions. In this way he is the damaging side of man. He is thetype of individual who would prefer to have a great time and delight over work. On theother hand Ralph is the adherent to vote based system and decency. He is the voice ofhope, and the dependable kind of individual. The young men on the island, allegoricallyshow what the human development resembles. Ralph represents request and lead of society. Every section starts withorder, which implies that Ralph has control. Ralph utilizes the conch to show orderand the option to talk. Before the finish of every part there is no structure and thereis generally tumult, this shows fiendish as well as dread has control, which means Jack hascontrol. Symbolically on the planet it would be an administrative government versusa military sort of government. Where Ralph is the administrative and Jack ismilitary. The confusion brought about by Jack, compromises the island and the societythat Ralph has made a decent attempt to shape. Ralph needs to have a fire, so they canbe safeguarded, however Jack is progressively stressed over having some good times at that point being saved andthis is a significant clash. The fire is an image for expectation and illumination, butwhen it gains out of power it turns out to be ruinous. Anything without orderand control can get dangerous, this is the reason Ralph is s o imperative to thesociety. The two character foils, Ralph and Jack, have various thoughts and wantdifferent things. Ralph needs hovels and a sign fire. The hovels which stand forcivilization and the sign fire is expected to get protected. This shows thatRalph makes and manufactures. On the furthest edge of that is Jack. Jack needs tohunt and execute pigs and have a great time. This shows primitivism. Jack is appeared as aperson who slaughters and devastates. Here is the contention; making and buildingversus executing and devastating. Ralph asks Jack what he needs: Dont you wantto be saved? All you talk about is pig, pig, pig! Also, Jack answers him andtells him what he needs: But we need meat! This discloses to us that Ralph and Jackwill not settle their disparities. Directly from the beginning solidarity of society isthreatened by the various reasons for the young men. Ralph was never alright with primitivism, yet Jack rather delighted in it. Ralph contemplates internally: He might want to have a shower, an appropriate flounder withsoap and concluded that a toothbrush would prove to be useful as well. Ralph resistsprimitivism unequivocally however is still sucked into it. Despite the fact that he resistsprimitivism, he despite everything went on a pig chase and when he gets a cut at the pig, hebecomes exceptionally glad for himself, and winds up getting a charge out of the chase definitely. Thisshows that each human has an underhanded side. Indeed, even Ralph, who is the one whoabsolutely loathes primitivism. The dead pilot in the tree proposes that humanshave de-developed, gone in reverse in advancement. Ralph cries: If just they couldsend a message to us a sign or something. The dead pilot was the sign thatthe genuine world isnt doing any better then they were doing on the island. .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .postImageUrl , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:hover , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:visited , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:active { border:0!important; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:active , .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:hover { darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8 a46b7541d33eac88146 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u42b5b2b5b29e8a46b7541d33eac88146:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Karl Marx (1881 words) EssayJack articles to doing things that Ralph advises the entire gathering of theboys to do, too he items to Ralphs being boss. Ralph still accepts inthe conch, and thinks it despite everything holds some request: Jack! Jack! You havent gotthe conch! Allow me to talk. Again Ralph alludes to the standards: The rules!shouted Ralph, youre defying the norms!' Jack answers with: Who cares?His answer is short and cutting. When Jack says this, the peruser knows thatthere is no turning around. The discussion proceeds: Because the standards arethe just thing weve got! What's more, to end the contention about standa rds, Jack says: Bollocks to the guidelines! Jack at that point fights to utilizing the conch: Conch!Conch! yelled Jack, we dont need the conch any longer.' Ralph later thinks tohimself: The world, that reasonable and legitimate world, was slippingawayThe strife among them, which was likewise brought about by differentviews on the presence of a brute, come full circle when Jack chooses to isolate fromRalph. At the point when the gatherings isolated, neither of them benefit from it, just Ralph andPiggy understand this. Ralphs bunch isn't sufficiently large to keep the sign firegoing, and Jack and the trackers don't have Piggys glasses to make their ownfire, to cook their pigs. Since a large portion of the young men have lost the need forcivilization and the desire for being saved, Ralph has lost control of them. They currently dread the brute, and Jack tells the young men that in the event that they are trackers theycan shield themselves from the mammoth. So now Jack oversees a large portion of theboys. Ralph loses trust: Im startled. Of us. I need to return home. O god Iwant to return home. Be that as it may, Piggy was there to get him out of his droop for a piece. Be that as it may, when Piggy is executed, Ralph is powerless and edgy. He is distant from everyone else and itseems that Ralphs sound judgment has altogether been crushed. There is a running subject in William Goldings Lord of the Flies. Man issavage on a basic level, this is appeared by Ralph in the pig chase, and continually ultimatelyreverting back to a malevolent and crude nature. This is completely appeared by Jack andhis gathering of trackers when they have the pig moves, the pigs head as ascarifices and, to wrap things up, they transform into a gathering of savages. Ralph and his presence of mind stays nearly the equivalent all through the book,its Jack and his trackers who change. To end, heres a statement from DavidAndersons work entitled Nostaldia for the Primates:In this book Golding prevails with regards to giving persuading structure to whichexists somewhere down in our mindfulness. By the expertise of his composition, hetakes the peruser bit by bit along the equivalent backward course asthat crossed by the young men on the island Our first response arethose of enlightened individuals. Be that as it may, as the story proceeds, we findourselves being up to speed in the adventure of the chase and the exhilarat-particle of butcher and blood and the entire essential sentiment of theisland and the ocean The support of Goldings proposition comes not fromthe nonexistent occasions on the island however from the truth of the readersresponse to them. Our psyches go to the shock of our century the butcher of the primary war , the death camps and nucl ear bombs of the second and we understand that Golding has compelledus to recognize that there is in every one of us a concealed break whichhorrifyingly proclaims our complicity in torment and murder Classification: English
Monday, August 17, 2020
Its FPOPpin
It’s FPOPpin’ As the advent of another academic year approaches, I feel somewhat obligated to wax rhapsodic about things that didnt happen very long ago. I first set foot on MITs campus as an innocent, doe-eyed freshman over a year ago. It was a beauteous midsummer morn, and I was filled to the brim with excitement and wonder. Of course, the honeymoon didnt last forever, but I feel a vicarious thrill seeing the same expression reflected in the eyes of the torrent of 2015s that have descended upon campus in the past week. Like many freshmen, I was participating in one of MITs many FPOPs, chances for freshmen to dabble in a huge variety of subject and activities before the actual orientation begins. My FPOP was the Freshman Arts Program or FAP (an acronym that inevitably spawns countless ribald one-offs). Contrary to popular belief, MIT is not a dystopian wasteland devoid of art; to the contrary, it is filled to the brim with creativity, as Chris recently pointed out. On day one of FAP, I was greeted by a bunch of hyperactive upperclassmen who somewhat dubiously presented themselves as our counselors, and my cohorts and I were escorted to the FAP lair on the fourth floor of the student center which would be our home for the next several days. Each of us specialized in a different artistic discipline, (mine being creative writing), and throughout engaged in numerous activities both artistic and not around Boston and Cambridge. After all was said and done, I had forged many new bonds (which remain close to this day) and had a generally awesome time, as the kids say. So great was the magnitude of this awesomeness, in fact, that I decided to experience it the next year as an ancient, crusty sophomore. When not grooming my enormous silver beard, I coached a new generation of creative writers with Will 12 in the ancient art of synthesizing beautiful scribes. I must say, being mad with power on the counseling side of things definitely gave me a different perspective. We took our authors and authoresses to cemeteries and cafes and wrote poems, plays, and nonfiction, as well a mildly disturbing work involving an extraterrestrial love affair. FAP is fantastic at getting freshmen to form relationships with like-minded people. while having decrepit underclassmen to guide thema characteristic shared across all the FPOPs. To revisit a disgusting cliche, though the outings and activities are fun, its the people who really make the experience worthwhile. Now, as orientation winds to a close and the impending doom of endless torrents of work and minimal sleeping approaches, Ive been quite reflective on my FAP tenure. To any future freshmen who are debating whether or not to thrust themselves into an FPOP, allow me to settle your internal dispute: do it. You have nothing to lose, except maybe sanity, but hopefully you have none of that to begin with. The experience and community last much longer than the satisfaction from constructing an enormous sculpture out of bellybutton lint that you might have done otherwise. Anyway, dont take my word for the magnificence that is FAP; let these pictures speak for themselves (all photo credits go to Moni 11 and Nikita 14): Stephanie 12 and I in traditional FAP regalia. Caitlin 15 jams on her Irish harp. DC 15 gazes wistfully into the distance from a gentle incline. Will 12 demonstrates significant yoga prowess. Lili 15 and Miriam 15 terrorize a young lad in the form of Matt 15. Anthony 15 shows off his ocarina skillz. Peter 15 films Delian 15 as seen on the interwebs. Evie 13 throws her hands up in the air sometimes. Post Tagged #FPOP
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Inculcate Ethical Values in Children to Protect the Nation...
Ways and Means to inculcate Ethical Values in the children to protect the nation from the depleting morals and ethical values under the shade of Globalization `Children are our most valuable natural resource. -Herbert Hoover â€Å"India will be radiant when our children are free to dance in the rain- Azim H Premji, Chairman Wipro. â€Å"It is necessary that steps are taken to properly nurture them in the right direction at an early age, says Sriram Kannan. Introduction Ethical values generally refer to basic philosophical notions and professional norms about the morality of human conduct. Ethics deal with how we ought to live and with such conceptions as right and wrong. The evil is within us and it emerges from the depth of subconscious†¦show more content†¦A JOKE - ! Globalization ! Question: What is the height of globalization? Answer: Princess Dianas death. Question: How come? Answer: An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was high on Scottish whiskey, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines! And this is sent to you by an Indian, using Bill Gates technology, which he stole from the Japanese. And you are probably reading this on one of the IBM clones that use Philippine-made chips, and Korean made monitors, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by lorries driven by Malaysians, hijacked by Indonesians and finally sold to you by a Chinese! Thats Globalization! ( To some, globalization is seen in concepts such as: Coco-colonization - a market created to promote a consumerist culture. Cultural imperialism- overpowering local traditions; western ideals falsely established as universal. McDonaldization - a fast food doctored to spread efficient, controllable, and predictable human practices. Americanization - the hegemonic influence of the values and habits of the United States promoted through the news media and popular culture. Whatever may be the good or
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Sexuality in Aubrey Beardsleys Story of Venus and...
Sexuality in Aubrey Beardsleys Story of Venus and Tannhà ¤user Aubrey Beardsley wrote The Story of Venus and Tannhà ¤user during the fin de sià ¨cle, the end of the Victorian Era. This decadent work, following Baudelaires credo art for arts sake first of all, portrays sex and sexualities in a playful manner. In addition to mocking conventional Victorian moral codes, and parodying pornographic conventions, The Story of Venus and Tannhà ¤user also supports Foucaults idea that the Victorian Era witnessed a diffusion of sexualities. The Story of Venus and Tannhà ¤user was originally toned down and modified for publication in 1897 in The Savoy, a magazine that Beardsley served as art editor, under the title of Under The Hill. According to†¦show more content†¦Beardsleys readers were not to be of the common society; rather they had to be well-educated sophisticates to understand his work. Another pornographic convention that Beardsley broke was that the characters had personalities and functions in addition to sexual roles says Zatlin (119). Also, they did not have unlimited sexual energy, rather Tannhà ¤user was rather relieved when, an hour later, Priapusa and Doricourt and some others burst drunkenly into the room and claimed Venus for themselves (Beardsley 34). With the diverse accounts of sexualities and the breaking of almost all of the prerequisites for erotic writing and pornography of the Victorian Era, Beardsley wrote a truly decadent manuscript that defied the conventions of mainstream literature. Whether Beardsley would have completed the tale had he lived longer, or had meant to leave it as is, an unending piece of work, is unknown. What is known is that Venus and Tannhà ¤user functions only as a piece of art for arts sake defying the social conventions that were applied to other works of that time. Works Cited Beardsley, Aubrey. The Story of Venus and Tannhà ¤user. Aesthetes and Decadents of the 1890s: An Anthology of British Poetry and Prose. Ed. Karl Beckson. Chicago: Academy, 1981. 9-46. Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Vol 1. New York: Vintage, 1978. Gillette, Paul
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Change and Continutie Free Essays
Between 500 CE and 1500CE changes and continuities in interregional commerce in the Eurasian World occurred. The Silk Road connected South Asia, Western Asia, and South Asia with Europe. The â€Å"road†was used for trading good such as silk, porcelain, and other luxuries. We will write a custom essay sample on Change and Continutie or any similar topic only for you Order Now Not only was it used for trading material goods, but it was also used for trading religions, skills, and knowledge. It also passed along diseases. Some changes that occurred were that classical empires collapsing and new empires began to rise, and trade in the Indian Ocean became more regulated in 1500CE than before in 1400CE. A continuity that occurred was the Indian Ocean trade remained unregulated from 700CE through 1400CE. Due to the collapse of the classical empires in 500CE and the rise of the Byzantine, Abbasid, and Tang Empires in 700CE, trade declined then grew. When the classical empires collapsed, trade declined because due to the lack of government following the decline of the classical empires, protection could not be granted for trade and trade routes could not be repaired. Due to these reasons, trade and travel became dangerous. When the Byzantine, Abbasid, and Tang empires began to rise, trade grew again because Tang rulers set up military garrisons to protect the trade done through the Silk Road, the Byzantine empire’s central location on the Mediterranean Sea allowed trade to flourish, especially in the capital of Constantinople, and in the Abbasid empire Muslim merchants spread improved irrigation in the region, which led to increases in food production and population. Because of the three empires rising, trade was able to be successful again after the fall of the classical empires. During the years of 700CE through 1400CE a continuity of unregulated Indian Ocean trade continued in Eurasian trade. The Indian Ocean represented the world’s largest sea-based system of communication and exchange. The alternating wind currents that blew predictably eastward during the summer months and westward during the winter months (monsoons) was what made the Indian Ocean commerce possible. Because the Indian trade route was so successful and many people depending on it, it continued to remain unregulated from 700CE through 1400CE. Another reason for it continuing to remain unregulated was because cities located strategically grew and it was a safe environment for markets, it welcomed all merchants, and charged reasonable fees. Although it remained unregulated from 700CE through 1400CE, that all changed by 1500CE. From the unregulated Indian Ocean trade in the 1400’s, trade became more controlled by the Chinese and the Europeans by the 1500’s. To gain control over the Indian Ocean trade Europeans captured the port cities, wrecked them, stole from them, and burned them to the ground, killing the residents of the cities. Because people from other countries traded as well and they brought their culture, religions, and other values and beliefs that fascinated the people who lived along the Indian Ocean regions, a lot of people were affected. The Indian Ocean became controlled by the Chinese and the Europeans. In the same way as the Silk Road was used for trade and commerce and was successful the Indian Ocean was also used for trade and commerce. However, the silk route is widely interconnected trade route across Asian continent connecting East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean world, as well as North and Northeast Africa and Europe. In Indian Ocean routes majorly connecting Middle East, Africa, and East Asia with Europe and the Americas. In conclusion, during the time period of 500CE through 1500CE Some changes that occurred were that classical empires collapsing and new empires began to rise, and trade in the Indian Ocean became more regulated in 1500CE than before in 1400CE. A continuity that occurred was the Indian Ocean trade remained unregulated from 700CE through 1400CE. Both the silk road and the Indian ocean were used for commerce and trade. How to cite Change and Continutie, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Gender Discrimination and Equal Rights of Women †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Gender Discrimination and Equal Rights of Women. Answer: Introduction Gender discrimination at workplace involves unfair treatment of employees or those applying for the job in an organization. The discrimination arises one sex is favored more than the other regarding payments and opportunities. In most workplaces, women seem to be the most largely affected as they are subjected to discrimination from both sexes (Ashappa, 2012). The discrimination seems to take place even in countries that have already introduced law and regulations against gender discrimination at the workplace. Apart from unequal pay and opportunities, the forms of gender discrimination witnessed at workplace include diminished responsibilities, where the women are exempted from some duties such as those that involve masculinity (Bobbitt-Zeher, 2011). Another form gender inequality is the type of conversation that is conducted at the workplace, conversation between men and between women and the management ha been found to differ. Also, positional biases, which assume only that women are suited for the receptionist position. Finally, sexual harassment is also another form of gender discrimination. Our group held several meetings upon which it decided to address the topic on gender discrimination. When it comes to gender discrimination, women seem to be suffering the most. In the early days, women were not given the same rights as men. Women had no right to vote, and upon marriage, they were supposed to surrender their property to their husbands. Also, they had limited opportunities in education as well as occupations. The society believed that the women place was raising children, tending to domestic affairs and cooking (Doyle, 2017). The group agreed that the women would focus on the issues relating to achievements made through the fight against gender discrimination, while the men tackled the issues relating to law and policies made to reduce gender inequality in the workplace. Women began to join the workforce and rejected the homemaker role; this further increased the momentum in the fight for equal right and aided the achievement of a milestone in 1964 where the equal pay law was passed to restrict discrimination at the workplace. However, despite these achievements, gender discrimination is still rampant in the workplace. The group has dedicated its efforts to study gender discrimination at work in Australian organizations and try to give options through which the situation can be improved (Healey, 2015). The women were assigned a task to research on the history regarding gender discrimination in Australia, while the men addressed the policies that have been put in place to help curb gender discrimination. The women discovered that gender discrimination has been in existence since time in memorial, women have been regarded to be the inferior gender in the society. However, in early 1800, efforts to fight for equality started to emerge whereby women were now allowed by the law to retain their property after marriage. Another milestone that was achieved in the fight is the prohibition of the employer to discriminate the employees on the grounds of gender regarding compensation. However, the efforts have not yet managed to achieve the desired gender equality. Research conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on business organizations across Australia revealed that between 1990 t0o 2009 the salary payment by gender had a constant gap of about 17%. Moreover, the enactment of sex di scrimination act in 1984, so the government introduces theWomen's Royal Australian Naval Service in 1985 as well as the removal of a restriction that barred married women from serving in the Naval Service. On the other hand, men researched on the policies that have been put down in the Australian constitution, which discourages against gender discrimination, such laws include the sex discrimination act that was passed in 1984. This law gives effect to Australia's obligation under the convention, to eliminate any discrimination against women as well as specific aspects in the international labor organization. The agendas of this law are as follows; To eliminate sexual harassment in organizations and institutions, so as to ensure the provision of services without discrimination. To ensure non-discrimination on the ground of sexuality, pregnancy or material status as well as on family responsibilities The team agreed that the objective of addressing the gender equality at work within organizations would involve finding out on the laws and regulations that have been laid down pertaining this topic as well as the journey the history of ratio discrimination, which will be used to emphasize on the topic. The second objective of coming up with ways to eradicate gender discrimination will involve identifying policies that can be applied in organizations (Hirsch, 2016). The third objective pertaining the implementation plan will involve working with the management to ensure that the identified policies are put in place and in an appropriate way that can help eradicate gender discrimination. After identifying the objectives, the team preceded to the set the measurement on the objectives. The expected outcome is that the staff at the selected organizations will cooperate and be ready to share on the issues affecting them relating to gender discrimination, and it is also expected that during the process of addressing the gender discrimination, no one will be victimized upon sharing the information The other expectation is that the policies that will be identified about gender discrimination will be relevant to the goal of the team in racial discrimination eradication and that the policies will have been proven to work in other organizations (Katz, 2015). The team also expects that the management, as well as the society, will realize the benefits of promoting gender equality and therefore corporate with the team to address the issue through introducing the identified policies into their strategies. Timeliness and resources required The team decided that it would take one week to address the issue of gender discrimination in the selected organization; also, the team has set out two days in the following week to hold a seminar and talk about gender equality to the staff. Incas the activity fails to be completed within a week an additional three days will be allowed (Kira and Hanaa, 2015). Within the first week, issues related to policies will be thoroughly worked on to ensure that they are addressed and well explained during the seminars. Moreover, the policy issues might be addressed at the management level that will then inform the workforce on the policies. The team agreed that the funds required to conduct this activity would be recouped once the seminars have been held and in the meanwhile, individual contributions would help to sustain the team activities. These funds would be used to support activities such as transport cost purchase of office stationery and publishing materials (Kraal, Roseland, and Wrench, 2010). It is also expected that management in the selected organizations will cooperate with our team and implement the policies that the team has come up with within a years' time from the time of identification. While addressing this objective, various risks are associated with them is risks may include: Infringement of employees privacy; the team will have to engage the organizations employees in addressing the gender discrimination, in the process of doing so there might be chances that some of the staff rights and privacy will be violated. Financial risk; the team will require funds to run the activities of addressing gender discrimination. These activities might be more costly to the point that it outruns the budget. Moreover, the cost might be so huge such that the amount obtained during the seminar will not be enough (Langwith, 2008). Also, the policies developed by the team risk to be rejected as the management might view them as irrelevant and unproductive to the company as they do not bring any profit along instead they increase the cost of operations within the organization. Company privacy infringement is another risk that the team is willing to take in its effort to eradicate gender discrimination. This move might even lead to lawsuits as some organization might regard it as prying. Another risk is the irrelevance of the topic to the existing organization structure; the topic might be going too far in addressing gender discrimination in this particular organization while most of the activities undertaken in such an organization involve muscles, which is inclined to one side of the gender(Mary, 2016). Every plan can never e complete without the evaluation mechanism. The time decided to use the following evaluation methods after a long, intense argument. As for the research o the background of racial discrimination, which was handled by the women, the evaluation method used, aimed at establishing the relevance of the content to the targeted audience, the authenticity of the content as well as how the content can be used to influence changes in organizations. The background history of gender discrimination is to be evaluated by the end of the week to ensure it is in order and can be used during the seminar (Scott, 2017). The other issue regarding policies, which was tackled by men, was evaluated based on authenticity, practicality as well as how effective it was in addressing the issue on gender discrimination. These policies will be evaluated at the end of the first week as they are to be used during the seminar The team also deliberated on holding a seminar, which aims to inform the company staff on the issue of gender equality. This is seminar has also been provided with a method of evaluation which include using questioners that will be filled by the audience regarding how they have understood the issue, how they view the issue as well as how efficient the methods used to deliver the message were effective. The evaluation will be conducted at the end of the seminars to obtain the feedback. However, the feedback will be used only among the team members and will not be disclosed to the audience (Vandenberghe, 2011). Finally, the implementation of gender discrimination by the management, which is to take place within a year, will also be evaluated. The evaluation method employed in this case will involve internal management functions as well as those of the team efforts. The reason for involving the management is because the implementation process will be carried out by the management (Wallen, 2017). Conclusion Gender discrimination is an issue that needs to be thoroughly addressed to ensure that the organizations staffs are given fair treatment. The eradication of gender discrimination within the organization might not lead to direct financial benefits to the organization but will contribute a lot in the following areas. Productivity; that individual who are subjected to gender discrimination lose the motivation required to perform their duties accordingly. The discrimination may include a joke relating to the employee gender, which portrays inferiority. This discrimination leads to loss of productivity as the employee morale continues to decrease Promotions; women are always disadvantaged when it comes to promotions; this is because they are torn between family duties and work duties. Although the law has restricted organization from disputing women from promotion based on family grounds, organizations have not yet fully abandoned this trend. This has seen organizations deny women an equal opportunity to display their talents and serve the organization. Finally, gender discrimination might lead to the destruction of self-esteem, apart from reducing the organization productivity; it may also damage the performance of an employee at a personal level leading to low self-esteem. References Ashappa, D. (2012). Gender Discrimination and Equal Rights of Women.Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research, 3(4), pp.242-243. Bobbitt-Zeher, D. (2011). Gender Discrimination at Work.Gender Society, 25(6), pp.764-786. Doyle, A. (2017).Types of Employment Discrimination With Examples. [online] The Balance. Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017]. Healey, J. (2015).Gender discrimination and inequality. 1st ed. Healey, K. (2013).Gender discrimination. 1st ed. Wentworth Falls, N.S.W.: Spinney Press. Hirsch, B. (2016). Gender wage discrimination.IZA World of Labor. Katz, K. (2015).Gender, work, and wages in the Soviet Union. 1st ed. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave. Kira, I. and Hanaa, S. (2015). Gender Discrimination (GD): A Conceptual Trauma-Based Framework for GD and the Development of Gender Discrimination Inventory.Psychology, 06(16), pp.2041-2070. Kraal, K., Roosblad, J. and Wrench, J. (2010).Equal opportunities and ethnic inequality in European labour markets. 1st ed. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Langwith, J. (2008).Discrimination. 1st ed. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Mary, W. (2016). FEMALE LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION AND GENDER WAGE DISCRIMINATION.Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 6(1), p.262. Scott, S. (2017).Suggested Approach to Gender Discrimination at Workplace. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017]. Vandenberghe, V. (2011). Firm-level Evidence on Gender Wage Discrimination in the Belgian Private Economy.LABOUR, 25(3), pp.330-349. Wallen, J. (2017).10 examples of gender bias you may encounter in the workplace - TechRepublic. [online] TechRepublic. Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017]. Walter, E. (2017).EU objectives for gender equality in research. [online] EIGE. Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017]. XU, D. and ZHANG, J. (2013). Sex Differences in Inhibition of Return in Face-gender Discrimination.Acta Psychologica Sinica, 45(2), pp.161-168.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Crime And Punishment Essays (326 words) - Literature, Fiction
Crime And Punishment Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment is the story of a poor man in czarist Russia who can only purge himself of his guilt through suffering. It deals with the mental and physical tribulation brought upon him by his crime. His troubles are compounded by the conflicting personalities which he possesses. The reader is inclined to characterize him by his cold, intellectual side. Yet, without the contrasting humane side of his nature, Raskolnikov never realizes the errors in his theory and actions. Raskolnikov is defined by the duplistic nature of his personality, with each facet being just as vital as the other. Raskolnikov's cold side leads him to develop his theory, and thus to commit murder. This side of him bases all decisions on reason and rationalization (although it is sometimes incorrect), rather than on feeling. It is purely stoical, without emotion. The other side of his character is kind and compassionate. Without this side being presented the reader views him as an evil murderer, and not a mislead victim, as Dostoevsky intends. In the novel Raskolnikov engages in sporadic acts of kindness. He gives money to the Marmeladov family, he attempts to aid Marmeladov when he dies, and he tries to get a drunken girl home and away from her pursuer. All of these deeds were done without premeditation. He simply feels that at the time it is the right thing to do. After a short period of time his outlook dramatically reverses. He starts to rationally analyze what he has done, and then feels that his actions were stupid. This transition marks the return of his cold side, and it occurs after every kind thing that Raskolnikov does. These shifts between two distinct personalities give Raskolnikov two separate points of view. The novel is founded on the distinctions between the two points of view, and the reader gets both angles. Both Raskolnikov's generous, and evil actions are essential to his character because they allow the reader to identify with these two points of view and the two facets of his personality. English Essays
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essays
Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essays Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essay Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Essay Disadvantage of High Out-of-State Tuition Sometimes universities and state colleges will attract high school graduates across state lines because certain schools better fit their personal academic plan, but the fearsome out-of-state tuition often repels a large chunk of student population who cannot afford the raised tuition price. Out of state tuition is more expensive because in-state residents fund state colleges through annual taxes, while non-residents do not. Out-of-state tuition should be lowered to help give all students more equal opportunities to attend a certain college of their choice, regardless of being a resident or not. Elevated tuition rates for non-residents could negatively affect both the school and its potential student opportunities High out-of-state tuition often can greatly hinder opportunities of graduating students that are seeking higher education. When a student considers universities they would like to attend, affordability of tuition rates becomes a huge factor in which schools they can go to. Often students have difficulty paying for residential tuition ND are forced to rely on student loans, financial aid, and scholarships. Occasionally, scholarships are the only components keeping some students on the track to higher education. Sometimes graduating high school students seek education out of their home state based on different factors; to find a better school elsewhere that better fits their needs, weather, population of city or town, crime rate, availability of public transportation, plans of where to live after graduation, and sometimes simply Just to get out of their home town. In a chart constructed by the U. S. Department of Education, the average differences of total residential and non-residential tuition costs between 2008 2010 are roughly a colossal $12,000, strictly from crossing over state lines (ONCE). With the exception of scholarships, being able to afford this much of a difference can be quite difficult for students and parents. Unfortunately, high prices like this could prevent a severe amount of people from attending a university out of their home state, possibly being detrimental to the future of graduating high school students. Sadly, tuition cost loud even prevent students from continuing education after high school. High out-of-state tuition costs could also leave students immersed in debt with loans and financial aid. Graduates of a university dont always immediately find a well-supporting Job, so debt can be become very difficult to pay off over time. With other expenses such as food, rental payments, car repairs and/or transportation, and other necessities, debt can leave a graduate broke and in desperate need of income to pay off what they owe. Not only does increased out-of-state tuition negatively affect students, but universities, private colleges, and even the state itself, too. Because high tuition could prevent non-residential students from attending a certain college, that school will have less students. This nears that there will be empty seats in the classroom and empty beds in dorms. When there are empty spaces anywhere at a college, the school is losing a significant volume of revenue for every student that does not attend their classes. Ultimately, this can cause a ripple effect where the school either needs to raise In-state talons, or rely even more on tax revenue Trot ten state, or else teen ill lose money, need to lower income of teachers, and reduce the quality of the school. In some cases across the U. S. The state has more public colleges and universities than its population can support. This also happens within declining college towns. When a state or town cannot support the colleges that reside within it, the college can do two things to stay afloat; increase tuition, or receive more taxes from the state, which is hard to achieve with recent educational budget cuts that are spreading across the country. This is another case of a ripple effect, where the population of th e own and surrounding areas will suffer because there are fewer students to move into town during school and after graduating. As a nation, we need more college graduates in order to stay competitive in the global economy, but if the costs keep on rising, especially at a time when family incomes are hurting, college will become increasingly unaffordable for the middle class. Education secretary Earn Duncan (Armor). As Duncan explains, high tuition prices can become prohibitively expensive for families and it will affect the economy dearly. Though lowering tuition seems like a great idea, raising state tuition is beneficial to the state and some say students are willing to pay what they believe their education is worth. Tuition elevated to a reasonable value could generate millions of dollars for the school; money that could be used to offset maintenance costs, raise employee income, and expand the university. At Kansas universities, tuition is $2,000 less for undergraduate students, as opposed to similar colleges around the country. If the out-of-state tuition was raised to the national average cost, the state could reduce up to $33 million more than usual (Carlson). Analyzing data is tricky to calculate when deciding appropriate tuition rates. Sometimes a raised tuition is necessary for certain colleges, but not most. Raised tuition for a college that does not necessarily prove to be worth it could cause even more students to be unable to attend that college, forcing the school to rely heavily on the students that do pay the higher price. Some will argue that out-of-state tuition should not be lowered because non- residents do not pay state taxes that support that school. Out-of-state tuition is meant to make up for all the lost tax revenue from non-residents that can greatly help fund the school. Families contribute state taxes to provide for surrounding colleges within state lines, so state colleges always have a way to receive funding, whether from out-of- state tuition or state resident taxes. Though there is a way for non-residential students to reduce their tuition based on several factors. It is possible to apply for qualifications to pay in-state tuition depending on location, whether the student lives in a border county, by receiving an athletic waiver, being a senior citizen, having capabilities, or acquiring an apprenticeship.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Archaeology Research Paper
Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Archaeology - Research Paper Example Jones is mainly recognized because of the many films he has acted, some of which include: Last crusade, Lost Ark Raiders and Temple of Doom among others (Winterhalder & Eric, 2000). In understanding the character of Indiana Jones, these films depict some of the traits that make him have a great influence over the people. Most of these films have similar plots, presenting the ways which Indy employs to prevent Hitler’s hands from holding the biblical artifacts. For instance, the movie that explains how the covenant ark was lost is a controversial story, by first trying to understand if the ark existed in the first place. Scholars have ever since tried to explain the whereabouts of the ark, but they have not yet come up with valuable conclusions to the issue (Bentley & Herbert, 2001). Some say it was carried to Canaan while others say that it was destroyed in Babylon.Another movie that approaches archeology in a better way is Last Crusade. It similarly explores another treasure in the bible- Holy Grail (Arnold & Nancy, 2001). This treasure like the ark has numerous stories surrounding its history. People have no clear idea of its existence, and where it finally went to. Some people claim that Arimathea Joseph carried the Grail to France with him, and this claims triggered Nazi to start his Grail search. In the movie, Jones acts brilliantly during their travel, by making marks on the way which in turn give him clues that guide him to the final resting place of the Grail.... His theoretical diversity in many of the movies he has acted, portray him as a real archeologist from the way he dresses to the way he presents himself. Processual archaeology presents three perspectives that we can employ in studying Indiana Jones: evolutionary ecology which predicts human behaviors in their ecological contexts, and evaluates their behaviors using ethnographic and archaeological data. Secondly, there is behavioral archaeology which focuses on when, where and how human behavior relates to material cultures. Arnold & Nancy (2001) explain that there is the Darwinian archaeology perspective that tries to reconcile Darwinian Theory and other scientific explanations of evolution. On the other hand, the postprocessual perspective comes up with criticisms of the early studies. Literature Review Postprocessual Archeology Postprocessualists are opposed to the ideas of science as the only source of knowledge. They generally classify scientific studies into non-positivist perce ptions with no basis (Johnson, 2010). For instance, these people claim that the empirical studies done by science are not satisfactory enough, since they do not have sufficient fundamental facts. According to the postprocessualists, we have active individuals hence, they do not agree with the views of archeologists who make individuals to be lost in their theories. They thus advocate for individuals to be active instead of following blindly the social norms and values that are presented to them. They then emphasize on agency as a tool of active individuals (Hegmon, 2003 & Hurt & Rakita, 2001). Focusing on their understanding, one can conclude that they urge archaeologists to consider rules that can be changed creatively by social
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
A project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A project - Essay Example Lindt and Ferrero both play in a big commercial scale (Ferrero in the world) & (The Lindt & Sprungli Group). . However, the weakness of these brands lies in the fact that they only aim at the top section of the society, probably due to the high costs associated with packaging and advertising. Our brand is considerably different Undoubtedly, our brand is different from the competitors in the fact that we are not confined only to the upper class of the society, but we are catering all sections of the society; al income groups, all age groups, and both genders, and even geographical difference will be taken into consideration. In addition, we will be introducing products that will be aimed at people with various health problems, like fat-free items, and sugar-free items. Our target group The strategy of our brand is to address all demographic groups as all people, irrespective of caste, creed, color, sex or age, love chocolates. However, our products will specialize on each demographic group by meeting their group-specific needs and fantasies.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Risks and Treatment
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Risks and Treatment Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Bryan Hines Abstract Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a very dangerous mental health condition. It effects a great many people who have been victims of traumatic events that change their outlook on life and the world around them. The purpose of this paper is to provide basic insight to the disorder, the risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options used by the many trained professionals to assist people with PTSD. Keywords: PTSD, Cognitive Therapy, Exposure Therapy, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), intrusive memories. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined as a mental health condition thats triggered by a terrifying event by either witnessing it or experiencing it. According to Dr. Matthew Friedman, Ph.D, M.D., â€Å"Individuals can only develop PTSD if they have been exposed to a traumatic event. As operationalized in the DSM-IV (2) and shown in Table 1 (as the A1 criterion), traumatic events involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of oneself or others. (Friedman, 2000). Post-Traumatic Stress is not new to us. For most, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is mainly associated with military veterans and active duty soldiers who have been deployed to a combat zone and have been involved in or have witnessed very traumatic events. However, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not just affect military members. It can affect first responders, such as Police, Fire Fighters, and hospital Emergency Room staff. People who have been in natural disasters such as floods, tornados, hurricanes, Tsunamis, to name a few can also be inflicted with PTSD. PTSD can and does affect a great many people. There is a difference, however, from PTSD and severe stress. Not everyone is susceptible to PTSD. Many who experience a traumatic event or an extremely stressful event often after a few months have no further thoughts or dreams about the event. PTSD refers to the individuals who have these symptoms for a prolonged period and for those who may never lose these symptoms. The hard part is to identify these symptoms and help those who need help but do not believe they have problems. The key is being able to identify these symptoms. Symptoms The symptoms are grouped into four types according to the Mayo Clinic. The first is intrusive memories. Intrusive memories involve reliving the event again as if it were happening all over again in the present. Having recurring memories of the event over and over again and not being able to get away from it. Intrusive memories also include having recurring dreams about the event as we all have seen in movies where the person affected by these â€Å"dreams†and seems to be reliving these events in the dreams. Intrusive memories also include being very emotional and distressed about something that reminds them of the event. Anything could trigger this reaction in someone. A certain noise or surroundings, something someone says which may have occurred prior to the event or during the event could trigger these intrusive memories. Avoidance, is exactly what it implies. Some people go to extremes to avoid anything that will remind them or trigger anything that will remind them of the event. Often going miles out of their way, when it involves and accident they witnessed or were in, to avoid bringing up the negative images in their minds. They will avoid people they knew for many years, because they remind them of the incident or event. For those who have driven on the streets of Iraq, they are often very aware of their surroundings when driving even when they get back home. If closely observed, one can see the anxiety and the â€Å"head on a swivel†motion of these individuals, where they look rapidly and in all directions. They become very anxious when they see debris on the side of the road or new construction, or even dead animals in the middle of the road, often slowing down or avoiding the spot all together. Negative changes in thinking and mood are often the most obvious signs of PTSD but certainly not the only signs. These changes deal with how the person perceives themselves. They have lost self-worth, and see very little hope into the future. They have problems dealing with loved ones and often fail to have or remain in a relationship for any length of time. This may be because they no longer feel anything emotionally. Inability to feel love, or affection toward anyone or anything. They once loved t o do things and now have no desire to do anything they once did, such as sports or socializing. They do not see the point of doing anything because they have no desire to or have no thought about the future. They often have memory issues, especially when it comes to the traumatic event. Emotional reactions, or as they are often called, Arousal Symptoms (AS), include difficulty sleeping, concentrating on little things, anxiousness or extreme angst, always on guard as in the example above. Individuals will always be looking for something to happen, and can be easily scared or startled, which may bring along with it a very negative and destructive reaction. This is caused by irritability, anger, and outbursts or aggressive behavior, which are prominent emotional reactions in those that are affected by PTSD. The severity and frequency of these symptoms are dependent on the nature and severity of the traumatic event and the ability of the person to cope with these emotions. Risk Factors Risk factors vary with respect to the individual. Theses certain risk factors include family history of mental illness, depending on age what childhood years were like, what life was like prior to traumatic event, having other mental or health issues, and of course how often one is exposed to traumatic events. Being exposed repeatedly to these types of risk factors has a significant effect on whether one develops PTSD. However, if a person has strong support system of family, friends, and trained psychiatric personnel significantly diminishes the effects that these stressors have on a person, and can often help to ward off significant stress and the potential to develop a stress disorder. For some, however, no matter how often we are able to talk to someone, these events can trigger a reaction from any event in the past. According to Dr. Friedman physical attributes also play a part in PTSD, he states â€Å"Abnormalities in brain structure and function have been demonstrated in PTSD patients. In three independent laboratories, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has shown reduced hippocampal volume among male and female PTSD patients who had been exposed to combat trauma, sexual assault or motor vehicle accidents†(Friedman, 2000). If identified then one should expect that identification of such findings could result in identifying potential PTSD issues in individuals attempting to join the military, first responders, and even those jobs which are susceptible to higher stressors. This could lead into some rather serious discussions into what would be legal into prescreening candidates for certain positions. But that is a different subject. If risk factors are pre-identified then it should be possible for those individuals to obtain the necessary treatment to and to learn strategies to manage their stress levels. Women according to the Veterans Administration are more likely to succumb to chronic PTSD than their male counterparts. Which is probably the result of women being more at ease with talking about their concerns and thoughts and seeking treatment. Men are less likely to do so. It is also noteworthy that recent openings of combat jobs in the military has exposed women to more stressful and traumatic events than in previous years. Coupled with the fact that women more likely the victims of sexual assault, or at least more likely to report it, than men are. According to studies 34% of women will experience some sort of sexual assault in their lifetime both as adults and as children. Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with PTSD as men are. Children are especially susceptible for obvious reasons, especially in their younger years since they have not built up the cognitive skills required to deal with such stressors as child abuse, sexual molestation, being neglected, the death of a parent or sibling, or domestic violence. Younger children are often susceptible when one or both parents have PTSD and would possibly suffer the same consequences as they grow older because the neural development occurs faster when children are at a younger age and is determined by their experiences. Extended exposure to this type of trauma at such an early age can change the development of the brain and cause major damage to the mental state of a child. It has been shown that the elderly also are at risk for PTSD. There a few reasons for this. One reason is that with age cognitive function is diminished somewhat. With this declining function it becomes more difficult to cope with stressors that occur during this period of time. The fact is that elderly people feel a decreased role in society as they are often â€Å"pushed†aside for younger people in the workforce and often times in to nursing homes when they reach a certain age. These health problems show us that we are slowly but surely withering away, which is a depressing thought. Our desire to feel needed is also affected as we get older. Children often become too busy to visit, or have others take care of their aging parents and relatives. Money also is an added stressor for the elderly. It is quite often the case that once the retirement age is reached financial income is not the same as it used to be, and the ability to create more income is extremely difficult. The c ost of medications from chronic illness, which normally increase as we get older. Even if one prepares for retirement, it is a burden to live within means based upon a fixed income and having no means of adding income to counter rise of medication dn healthcare costs, insurance, and growing living costs. Military personnel and first responders are at an increased risk for PTSD simply based upon the operational environment that they may find themselves in. For the military the constant stress of daily life of being combat situations plays a tremendous role on the psyche. The images and horrors of war, having been viewed or seen can have an extreme traumatic effect on one’s mental state. These exposures are often the major cause of PTSD in military veterans. First responders also have to deal with very gruesome events when responding to accidents, shootings, or just death in general. It is quite possible that just one event could trigger PTSD. Even while remaining in this type of environment, the individual can show signs and symptoms and need to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. There is increased risk for all of these different groups when these individuals have dealt with some sort of traumatic event in the past or have other mental health issues that may make them more susceptible to a new traumatic event. Without a strong support system many of these individuals will certainly be more at risk to succumb to PTSD. Delayed diagnosis makes treatment more difficult. There are numerous treatment options available depending on what stage the individual is in and what severity the traumatic event occurred. Treatment Although there are many potential treatments for PTSD, the primary treatment is psychotherapy. In some cases medication may be prescribed to assist with the therapy and will be combined to assist the more extreme or difficult cases. Exposure therapy is a behavioral treatment for PTSD. For PTSD patients it targets the behavior that the patient has learned in order to â€Å"deal†with the traumatic event. Most often this deals with avoidance. In this treatment type, these individuals are asked to try and recount the traumatic event, without the trauma of the event, with hope that new learning via extinction will occur and allow the patient to hinder the effects of the traumatic thoughts versus eradicating them entirely. Cognitive therapy assist the person by allowing them or giving them a new way to deal with the detrimental thoughts they are having about the traumatic event and to help them understand the event or events that took place. It helps by showing how the event changed the thought process of how they view the world, people, and themselves. The way we see things and what we perceive to be accurate has been skewed by the traumatic event. By learning about the symptoms, the way they view things and the way they feel, and understanding how the event changed what they believe in, cognitive therapy arms the person with a new way of dealing with this trauma. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) according to the Mayo Clinic, combines exposure therapy with a series of guided eye movements that help you process traumatic memories and change how you react to traumatic memories.†(Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). EMDR is a therapy based upon physiology and helps a person see, in a similar way to what they see during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, these disturbing events in a new and less troublesome or traumatic way. After going through the session EMDR a patient should no longer view these events in a similar view that they had prior to the therapy session. The event will still be in memory, however, how the patient views the event should be less traumatic for them. Pharmacotherapy is another approach to dealing with PTSD. While most drugs cannot remove symptoms they can offer assistance in dealing and coping with them. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and other drugs that assist with sleep issues may be prescribed. Pharmacotherapy should not be viewed as a primary treatment. According to The Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research, â€Å"While à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ rst-line pharmacotherapy for PTSD, depression, and anxiety/panic disorder is a SSRI, consensus statements recommend that patients with PTSD also have specialized MH counseling, with structured cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or psychotherapy, as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.†(73521271) Patients requiring drugs to assist in the treatment of PTSD should ensure that a list of current medications is provided to their therapist in order to prescribe proper medication and avoid negative interaction. Summary Posttraumatic stress can affect anyone at any given moment. Exposure to any type of traumatic event could set off previous events that have been buried in the past. As we get older we develop new ways to avoid thinking about certain events that have occurred in our lives. If we are no longer bothered by the event after a few months then it would not be classified as PTSD, rather a stressful event that was traumatic. If another event triggered a more significant and longer lasting effect, then it would be considered PTSD. For those of us who have seen PTSD and have known or have had traumatic events may recognize the symptoms. Even if there is any doubt, the first thing one should do is to let the person know that there is no shame in getting assistance and we are all there for them. It is essential to have a great support group and it is even more essential that the one affected by a traumatic event knows there is help and support. We are often too ashamed or unaware of what we do, o r how we act unless someone else points it out to us. The key here is to know the signs and symptoms and then do something about it. References Meltzer, E., Averbuch, T., Samet, J., Saitz, R., Jabbar, K., Lloyd-travaglini, C., Liebschutz, J. (2012). Discrepancy in Diagnosis and Treatment of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Treatment for the Wrong Reason. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services Research, 39(2). (2012, April 1). Retrieved August 10, 2014. Yehuda, R. (1999). Biological Factors Associated With Susceptibility to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 44(1), 34-39. (1999, January 1). Retrieved August 12, 2014. Mayo Clinic Staff. (2014, April 15). Diseases and Conditions Post-Traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD). Retrieved August 10, 2014, from Friedman, M. (1995, January 1). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Retrieved August 9, 2014, from
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Compare Romeo and Juliet Essay
Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice are two of the most admirable and exquisite works ever written about the struggling love of two opposing forces. The novels have had a great literary importance and give us a sense of love and marriage on its most bewildered journey during the Elizabethan Era and the Napoleonic wars. Even though these two novels are from two different eras and are quite divergent as a result of it, this essay will argue that both Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice are indubitable similar in the concern of love and marriage. Firstly, this essay will present a short amount of background regarding love and marriage during the Elizabethan era and in the turn of the nineteenth century. Secondly, the essay will talk about the comparison and distinction in love and marriage present in the novels. Thirdly, this essay will discuss and hopefully conclude with the chosen thesis. During the Elizabethan era women were subservient to men and they were raised not to consider otherwise. They were expected to marry whomever the father would hold appropriate. The Scottish protestant leader John Knox wrote â€Å"†Women in her greatest perfection was made to serve and obey man.†( Alchin, L.K. â€Å"Elizabethan Women.) The marriages were arranged to create alliances with other powerful families which becomes the obvious environment in the play about Romeo and Juliet. Love was not significant between a man and a woman. Instead the importance of financial security and a life in everlastingly safety was prioritized through the marriage of a wealthy suitor. In the play by Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is being arranged to marry Paris, a kinsman of the prince, a well suited husband for her despite of her disapproval. As Paris speaks â€Å"God shield I should disturb devotion!â€â€Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse ye.(kisses her) Till then, adi eu, and keep this holy kiss.†( Romeo and Juliet, 4.1 William Shakespeare) This is not a marriage for love and this typical prejudice of marriage is also highly present in Jane Austen’s book Pride and Prejudice. One of the characters Charlotte amongst other, is utterly convinced of a socially ideal marriage which was the most common way to unite in the turn of the nineteenth century. â€Å"I am not romantic, you know; I never was. I ask only a comfortable home; and considering Mr. Collins’s character, connection, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.†(Chapter 22. Page 193.†Pride and Prejudice. N.p.: Planet Pdf). Most women decided to marry rather than depend on other family members for financial support. Due to this choice or lack thereof, love and passion were presumed to be less essential in people’s lives. Charlotte’s quote expresses more or less the plight woman had throughout the turn of the nineteenth century. It’s very likely that the Author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen intentionally tried to reveal woman’s position in love and marriage as they were. Shakespeare on the other hand probably had a slightly different agenda which was mainly to please the audiences. All though it is important to not e that Shakespeare presumably wrote about this social decay because he did not approve of what was going on at the time. We might say that this includes the social condition of women and their meager rights in love and marriage. â€Å"Get thee a good husband, and use him as he uses thee.†(All’s Well That Ends Well 1.1.212-13) In Romeo and Juliet the matter of love dominates the play.†My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2, William Shakespeare). Love in this play is simply not one-sided. There is puppy love or shallow love which is the love Romeo has for Rosalie, merely drawn to her appearances’. This view of love is also present in the novel Pride and Prejudice. One of the main characters Mr. Darcy speaks of the woman who later becomes his wife â€Å"She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me;†(Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice,Planet Pdf p.14 Ch. 3) Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice are both acclaimed love stories which center around a man and a woman and their love for each other. The other characters seem to play their important role converging upon these lovers or lovers to be. In both stories we see a strong opposing love due to a distinctness of social class as occurring in Pride and Prejudice between the middle class, the Bennett’s and the Aristocrats Darcy’s and new money the Bingley’s. In Romeo and Juliet the antagonistic love is more defined as a feud between tw o powerful families who will not by any circumstances find peace with each other. â€Å"Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.†(Romeo and Juliet, Prologue p.7 William Shakespeare). The House of Montegue and the House of Capulet are the two families who are sworn enemies, never to reconcile until Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. Nevertheless both the novel and the play have in common the opposing forces set in the story. These two main characters should not be together in love as a result of society’s rules. They both defy society’s instructions and give in to love rather than reason. This way of writing was probably intentional by Shakespeare considering the Renaissance period was also about universal order as in Humanism which was a significant factor in general in Shakespeare’s plays.( â€Å"Renaissance Humanism and Shakespeare†.) Both Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice paint marriage as one of life’s most important choices. Even though this is the case, it is considerably important to envision that Pride and Prejudice has a slightly closer focus on family over husband whereas Romeo and Juliet leans more toward love for husband over family in my opinion. The reason for this is the personalities of the women in the Novel and the Play. Both Juliet and Elizabeth are strong female characters who are being presented as very respectable human beings despite their flaws. In a way we can say that both authors, Jane Austen and William Shakespeare speak for the women at that time and their difficult situations in love and marriage. Passion, love and hate is also a common denominator in these stories. These three words as a whole provide us with an overall understanding of these books. Passion as source of consistency, love as a diversity present in different elements, and hate as an opposition to love to create balance. All though there are quite a few similarities between the novel and the play, there are also a few contrasts present in the books which are important to consider in an analysis of love and marriage. The play Romeo and Juliet has an overwhelming amount of overpowering force of love in it which supersedes everything. The love Romeo and Juliet has for each other is almost obsessive, and self-destructive as a result of it. (â€Å"Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers’ eyes; Being vex’d a sea nourish’d with lovers’ tears: What is it else? a madness most discreet, A choking gall and a preserving sweet.†( Romeo and Juliet, 1.1, William Shakespeare.) Romeo speaks of love as he has read in books, but unlikely experienced. Romeo’s passionate feelings develop into a deadly love at the end of the play when the couple’s tragic destiny prevails and they both die by their own hands. Pride and Prej udice do not have this uncontrollable intense love. The novel focuses more on the achievement of marriage and stability in life, financial and the image of respectability rather than the passionate lusty love. It is important to remember that love is also one of the themes of Pride and Prejudice and that the love in which the main characters Darcy and Elizabeth have for each other at the end of the novel is some of the reasons why this book is so successful. Even though the excessive love is more present in the play about Romeo and Juliet as a result of their lawless passion as archetypal lovers, it is relatively different than what we see in Pride and Prejudice. Both stories have a background of society’s expectation in love and marriage such as Juliet’s arranged marriage to Paris and Elizabeth’s friend Charlotte’s marriage to Mr. Collins an overbearing, and ridiculous heir to the entailed Bennett’s estate. In the play about Romeo and Juliet they are being referred to as star-crossed lovers â€Å"Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes .A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life; Whose misadventur’d piteous overthrows. Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.( Romeo and Juliet, the Prologue. p.7, William Shakespeare,) The stars functions as an opposition to Romeo and Juliet’s destiny and is there-for an indicatio n of a not intended universal love as we can see clearly at the tragic end of the play followed by the death of the two young lovers. Pride and Prejudice have a slightly different ending. It has lot more satisfying completion where the two main characters finally can live a fulfilled life together despite the society’s heavy burden of commandment which the reader of the novel was most likely able to anticipate through-out the novel. We see that Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice have an evident distinction at the end of the two books towards the consideration of meaning. Clearly Romeo and Juliet is a forced equation whereas Darcy and Elisabeth are more likely to be predestined. By analyzing some of the similarities and contrasts in love and marriage in the two books I find the similarities no more substantial than the contrasts. This might be a result of the underlying elements that keep on grasping the connections as we see it. Some of the leading aspects of this influence are the love against all odds in Romeo and Juliet versus the more predestined version in Pride and Prejudice. Another important element is shallow love which presents it-self in both books through the ignorance of the characters. We see similarities in the society’s established rules of marriage and the characters capability to oppose to these â€Å"decrees†. Then again there is an over-powering and obsessive force of love in Romeo and Juliet which is not accounted for in Pride and Prejudice. Due to these almost completely balanced analogies and divergences I cannot conclude with the chosen thesis and instead I accept the equity of exceptional authorship. Work cited Alchin, L.K. â€Å"Elizabethan Women.†Elizabethan Women., 16 May 2012. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. Shakespeare, William, Barbara A. Mowat, and Paul Werstine. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2011. Print. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. N.p.: Planet Pdf, n.d. Http:// Planet Pdf. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. â€Å"All’s Well That Ends Well: Entire Play.†All’s Well That Ends Well: Entire Play. Http://, n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. â€Å"Renaissance Humanism and Shakespeare.†Http:// The Sailor Foundation, n.d. Web.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
History Of Bloodstain Patterns Essay
Function of bloodstain pattern analysis Bloodstain pattern interpretation/analysis has been around for many years but has only really been recognized in the past several decades. This interpretation/analysis is like a very important tool that an investigator or forensic scientist may use to help them better understand what happened or what did not happen in a case where there was bloodshed. Discoverable through the examination of bloodstain pattern The information that can be discovered or obtained when examining bloodstain patterns can help in apprehending a suspect, corroborating a witnesses statement, interrogating suspects, allowing for reconstruction of past events and lastly but probably the most important exonerating an accused. All bloodstains can provide important specifics to an event that occurred during an incident, so they are always examined. This is a very crucial part of an investigation, but it is never 100%, errors do occur. â€Å"Static Aftermath†There is such a thing called â€Å"static aftermath.†What an analyst evaluates is the static aftermath of an event; the shapes, volumes, patterns, number and size of bloodstains and their relationships to the scene. Timeline of bloodstain pattern analysis Surprisingly to me the study of bloodstain patterns has been going on since the 1800’s. On the following page is a time line showing the history of bloodstain patterns interpretation/analysis. The timeline I made begins in the 1860’s and goes through the 1970’s, not every significant moment is included on this particular timeline. 1970’s – MacDonell worked under a LEAA grant, and completed 3 different articles through the 1990’s. He has trained many in law enforcement and has developed courses to continue to train analysts. 1970’s – MacDonell worked under a LEAA grant, and completed 3 different articles through the 1990’s. He has trained many in law enforcement and has developed courses to continue to train analysts. 1863 -The Beck’s wrote â€Å"Elements of Medical Jurisprudence,†which discussed cases in which bloodstain pattern analysis was utilized. 1863 -The Beck’s wrote â€Å"Elements of Medical Jurisprudence,†which discussed cases in which bloodstain pattern analysis was utilized. 1939 – Balthazard is known for doing original research and experimentation with bloodstains and patterns. 1939 – Balthazard is known for doing original research and experimentation with bloodstains and patterns. 1882 – Professor Charles Tidy published â€Å"Legal Medicine.†1882 – Professor Charles Tidy published â€Å"Legal Medicine.†1955 – Dr. Kirk submitted bloodstain evidence and findings in a case; this was significant in recognition of bloodstain evidence by the legal system. 1955 – Dr. Kirk submitted bloodstain evidence and findings in a case; this was significant in recognition of bloodstain evidence by the legal system. 1895 – Piotrowski published a book concerning blood stains from blows to the head. 1895 – Piotrowski published a book concerning blood stains from blows to the head. 1880 – Henry Faulds published, â€Å"On-skin Furrows of the Hand,†described bloody fingerprints and their likely usage to identify the criminal. 1880 – Henry Faulds published, â€Å"On-skin Furrows of the Hand,†described bloody fingerprints and their likely usage to identify the criminal. 1856 – Lassaigne wrote a paper that included discussion of marks that appeared to be bloodstains but was from insects. 1856 – Lassaigne wrote a paper that included discussion of marks that appeared to be bloodstains but was from insects.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Presidency Of The United States - 1401 Words
The Presidency While some nineteenth century presidents, such as Abraham Lincoln, wielded great power and significantly influenced the future of the United States, many were really just caretakers eclipsed in prominence by various industrialists and robber barons. The modern American presidency was actually the creation of Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt who by different means expanded and strengthened the office of the President of the United States. The Roosevelt family revolutionized how the United States operated and functioned. They had implemented many policies and programs that helped with preservation of the nation’s land, helping the citizens of the United States and establishing the United States as a world power. The presidency†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In the address Lincoln explained that our nation was fighting the Civil War to see if we would survive as a country. He stated it was proper to dedicate a portion of the Gettysburg battlefield as a remembrance of the men who had fought and died there. Lincoln said that the people who were still alive must dedicate themselves to finish the task that the dead soldiers had begun which was to save the nation so it would not perish from the earth.†(Norton). Abraham Lincoln was viewed as great leader based on his humble background and use of â€Å"story telling†that he had used to influence others into seeing the views he had. One of the most famous actions that Abraham Lincoln took towards the end of his last term and even his life was the abolishment of slavery. He accomplished this first through the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. â€Å"The Emancipation Proclamation didn t immediately free any slaves because it only applied to territories not under Lincoln s control. The actual fact is that legal freedom for all slaves in the United States did not come until the final passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in December of 1865. Lincoln was a strong supporter of the amendment, but he was assassinated before its final enactment.†Even with Abraham Lincoln being assassinated before the enactment of the 13th Amendment, which ultimately abolished slavery, he is still regarded as the man who ended slavery in the United States. After the presidency of
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