Wednesday, December 25, 2019
An International Business Undertakes Activities - 2391 Words
In this part of Unit 39, I will be explaining the different economies in which an international business undertakes activities. The business I will be focusing on throughout my essay is Barr’s. I will also be scrutinising the economies of two countries – Germany and the UK. The economic aspects I will look at into further detail are: GDP, GDP per capita, exchange rates, trade blocs they are currently a member of, unemployment rates, life expectancy and balance of trade. An international business is when a business makes transactions with other businesses in different countries. These transactions can consist of investments, sales and transportation. An example of an international business is Barr’s as they operate in many countries around†¦show more content†¦Their goods comprises of a lot of varieties such as machinery, vehicles, technology, food, materials etc. Over the years, their GDP has rapidly increased as they started $215 billion in 1970, making their way to $946 billion in 1980, then going into the trillion figures with $1.77 trillion in 1990. This then increased to $1.95 trillion in 2000, and they ultimately had a rate of $3.41 trillion in 2010. In contrast, the UK had a lower GDP than Germany in 2014 which is evident through the fact that the graph illustrates the country having a rate of $2.94 trillion. While this is still a great figure, their goods have lower value than that of Germany. The UK has always been below Ger many in terms of GDP since they started out with $130.67 billion in 1970, which then went up to $564.95 billion in 1980. In the year 1990, they had a GDP of $1.09 trillion and this increased to $1.55 trillion in 2000, which then went up to $2.41 trillion over the next decade. To summarise, Germany currently has a higher GDP than the UK and this emphasises that there are more commercial practices within the country. The business that operates in Germany has more trading partners than their operating business in the UK. This could result in potential growth opportunities for the business. It also emphasises that they have better quality goods than the UK. Expensive resources and raw materialsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Model questions for Global Marketing1523 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscuss the principal causal factors that encourage firms to undertake the international marketing of their products and services. Cultural and political forces influence international marketing activity. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
ANTHROPOLOGY 1200 PEOPLES OF THE WORLD FINAL EXAM Spring 2014 STUDENT NAME: ___Amanda McLaughlin________________ Multiple Choice (2 points each) 1. The Mashpee Wamponoag lost their 1976 lawsuit seeking to reclaim approximately 16,000 acres that had previously belonged to them on Cape Cod. Which of the following was not true regarding the case? a. They demanded the return of all land, including all homes constructed in the past 200 years. b. They never had legal deed to the land. c. The jury ruled that the Wampanoag Indians had no right to the land because Congress had approved the sales. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. 2. According to the information presented in class on the sex trade industry in Thailand, which of†¦show more content†¦3. As for NISA and Inequality, Poverty and Neoliberal Governance both approaches on the books information were research done by the writer. More information was given by people being able to communicate the details better. I think this was the best approach in order to get the point across correctly. 4. Racism, race and ethnicity in contemporary United States have changed a lot in the past few centuries. Our country has had our racism problems but compared to how minorities were treated years ago you can tell that we have came a long way from how people were back then. However there are obviously more gangs and violence associated with race and ethnicity. Years ago the only problem was African Americans and now there are many people hating on each other for being middle eastern, Latino and
Monday, December 9, 2019
Research Reflection Report Al-Khair Foundation
Question: Describe about the Impact of Charismatic Leadership on Fundraising Challenges of Al-Khair Foundation? Answer: The research has been a knowledgeable journey for me. I have analyzed the role of charismatic leadership on the fundraising initiatives by the NGO named Al-Khair foundation. I cannot ignore the fact the charismatic influence of the leaders can play major role in making the fund raising initiatives successful (Sparks, 2011). Although I know that a leader possesses several qualities but I have selected one specific criterion for the present study. The fundraising issues for a NGO like Al-Khair foundation has been discussed by me. NGOs like Al-Khair work for the benefit of people. They provide support to the people in order to fulfil their basic requirements like education so that the development of the economy is restored. I have tried to analyze the role of the leaders in an NGO (Lussier, 2012). I have come to know that the leaders of NGO organizations like Al-Khair face tremendous pressure to raise money to run their NGO. In this context the scenario of the NGOs in UK has been discus sed and I highlighted the issue faced by them to raise money. In such a critical situation the leaders of the NGOs have to create interest among the audience to think in a different manner and donate in the NGOs. In this regard I have provided certain examples of the nature of working of NGOs (Neider and Schriesheim, 2002). The research is extremely important. According to me it will be an enriching study for the NGOs facing problems with raising funds. In this regard I have explored the relationship between style of leadership and successful initiative for raising funds. I have discussed the rationale behind conducting this research (Stutje, 2012). The role of effective style of leadership by the leader in an NGO is crucial for creating a vibrant culture of philanthropy and support for the NGO. In order to proceed with my research in an elaborate manner I have divided the entire research into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, second chapter is the literature rev iew and the third chapter is the research methodology (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013). The results have been discussed in the fourth chapter and the conclusions of the study have been discussed in the fifth chapter (Ledlow and Coppola, 2011). The study of the research has been validated by qualitative research. Four leaders of the Al-Khair foundation have been interviewed (Achouri, 2015). The primary data collected from the direct response of the four leaders has been analyzed. The role and responsibilities of the leaders in raising funds for Al-Khair has been assessed by me (Buddhapriya, 1999). The research methodology chapter has been formulated to discuss the methodology followed by me to conduct the research. I have tried to explain the role of leaders working in NGOs in raising funds. It is known fact that the proper functioning of the NGOs is not possible without raising adequate funds. There are various characteristics of a successful leader. But according to me the successful leaders have worked without coercion. I have used few remarks of the authors in this to validate my view point. I have emphasized on the fact that a leader must possess a charismatic personality which will help the organization to rise above the unsatisfactory situations. In the chapter of research methodology, I have discussed the method used by me to proceed with the research (Yang, Huang and Wu, 2011). The methodology used in the research aligns with the key purpose of the research i.e. to investigate the approach of the leaders in Al-Khair foundation. The qualitative research framework has b een used by me to explore the style of leadership in Al-Khair foundation and the approach of the organization to raising funds (Ritchie et al., 2015). The data used in the research is primary in nature (Maxwell, 2005). The personal approach in the research helped me to understand the style of leadership adopted by the leaders at Al-Khair NGO. I discovered some of the phenomenal characteristics of the leaders working at the Al-Khair NGO. The experience of the leaders in the NGO while collecting funds has been investigated and I gathered direct response from the leaders (Marshall and Rossman, 2006). I could understand the essence of their experience from the qualitative method of research. I had to competent enough to conduct the qualitative research (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). I could gather valid data from the respondents from my competence and skills of conducting the fieldwork. The data collected from the interview was filtered by me in the process of assessment, analysis and synt hesis of the valid data (Babcock-Roberson and Strickland, 2010). I interviewed four leaders of Al-Khair foundation. I used the method of purposive sampling for the study. According to me the purposive method of sampling helped me select the sample based on the assumption that I wanted to discover (Silverman, 2010). It provided an in depth understanding of the research (Silverman, 1997). Through the process of interview I analyzed the role and style of leadership of the institutional leaders. The sampling method helped me to make a good judgment on the research study (Seidman, 2006). The samples could be handpicked by me and the samples that were satisfactory were chosen by me. The various sources used by me from the study include the data that has been collected by direct interview with the four leaders, direct observation and other related documents (Merriam and Merriam, 2009). The modes of communication used by me to establish the contact with the respondents were telephonic inter view and face to face meeting. I took the consent of the participants before proceeding with the interview. The structure of the interview was semi-structured in nature and the length was maximum 90 minutes. I made the respondents conformable so that they are able to describe their position at the NGO with ease. I kept a written document of the interview. The documents gathered from the study were analyzed using the QSRNUD*IST software. The software tool enhanced the processing. The data collected from the interview with the leaders at Al-Khair were analyzed. In this method the approach of the four leaders regarding to fund collection were assessed and the advancement of the organization via effective fund raising were also analyzed. Appropriate coding technique was used to categorize the collected data. The ethical aspects related to the research were followed by me. The reliability of the data was analyzed by me. The literature review chapter discussed the relevant and important theories related to the study. I discussed the various leadership styles that are followed in NGOs to collect fund. It is pertinent for an NGO to collect enough funds to perform the social activities. I discussed the concept of charismatic leader in this context. It is evident from my study that a charismatic leader possesses the qualities that are followed and seldom found amongst ordinary leaders (Zopiatis and Constanti, 2010). The charismatic leaders working at the NGO will make the people realize the importance of work of the NGO so that donate money by believing in the NGO (Lo et al., 2010). In the present research, I have discussed the contribution of a charismatic leader in the organization. The reduction of the burden of the organization by an effective and potential leader has been established by me in the study. I analyzed the quality of a charismatic leader by comparing their capability with other leaders. I included the historical perspective of fundraising. It gave me an overview of the way in which the methods of raising funds have changed over time. I have gathered relevant information regarding the functions of fund raising on development of the organization. To support my view point I gave appropriate remarks of the authors. I discussed the qualities of charismatic leadership. I contrasted it with other forms of leadership like the transactional leadership. This will help the readers to gather relevant information of charismatic leadership. It might influence some of the readers in adopting these styles of leadership. I have emphasized on the importance of the leadership style on the raising fund for the NGO. I have critically analyzed the role of the leader in effective fund raising. In the literature review chapter I have discussed the potential risks of the charismatic leadership style. I have analyzed the charismatic leadership style critically by highlighting the positive a nd negative aspect of the leadership style (Northouse, 2007). The theories will be important to throw light on the research. In the literature review chapter I tried to highlight the important attributes of charismatic leadership and the role played by this form of leadership in raising fund for NGOs like Al-Khair. The research study helped me to identify the style of leadership that will be beneficial for the success of the organization. I understood the importance of raising funds for NGOs. The NGOs will not be able to serve the noble purpose without proper funding. I came to know that the NGO has to be led by an effective leader in order to promote the cause. Among the different styles of leadership I have come to know that the transformational relationship sets clear cut objectives for the followers but in case of charismatic leadership, the leader will make commitment to reach beyond the confines of the employment contract. I have interviewed four leaders in the NGO Al-Khair (Kurland, Peretz and Hertzà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Lazarowitz, 2010). I have studied their behavior while analyzing their interview and the analysis of the answers from the interview provided a brief overview of the personality of charismatic leaders. It came to my understanding that Al-Khair has flourished as a reputed NGO in U K as a result of its guidance from charismatic leaders. The leaders at Al-Khair have realized that fundraising is an important aspect for the survival of the NGO. Like other organizations, the survival of the NGO will depend on the financial viability of the organization. With this regard, according to me raising fund is an important aspect for income generation for the NGO. In order to make fund raising an easy process, it is important for the NGO to have a charismatic leader who can arrange for funds for the NGO without devaluing the vision of the organization (Hermann et al., n.d.). The research has made me realize the essence of effective leadership for the growth of the organization. Al-Khair is a reputed NGO in UK. I came to realize that the effective leadership is crucial for the success of the organization. During the process of the research, I have developed my analytical skills. I analyzed the research and got a clear understanding of the style of leadership that has to be adopted so that the organization can perform well. An effective charismatic leader will make the customers realize the importance of fund raising of the organization. This will increase the number of donations in the NGO. I also developed my prioritizing skills. Instead of prioritizing the other styles of leadership, I highlighted on the charismatic style of leadership. I could represent the research in a broad manner. I learnt the time management skills. I had to conduct the study within a specific period of time. This built my skills of time management. Apart from these skills I also developed the skill of professionalism. While conducting the interview over the telephone or face to face interaction, I had to be professional. I did not ask any personal questions while conducting the research. I did not irritate them with any kind of personal questions. While conducting the research I gathered knowledge of the most effective style of leadership that will be beneficial for the growth of the NGO. In near future if I get any opportunity to become the leader of my field of work, I will adopt the charismatic style of leadership. I imbibed within me certain professional values that nurtured my ethical behavior (MITCHELL and SCHMITZ, 2013). The findings gathered from the research via qualitative analysis validated the entire research. Due to lack of time I could highlight the other aspects of leadership. The concept of leadership is subjective in nature and the views can vary. A in depth analysis of the research could be provided by me with the availability of more time. But from the analysis of the research, I can conclude that there is significant positive correlation between the behavior of leaders and the effective fund raising mechanism. The fact cannot be ignored that the verbal and non verbal communication of the charismatic leaders plays an important role in raising funds for Al-Khair. References Achouri, C. (2015).Modern Systemic Leadership: A Holistic Approach for Managers, Coaches, and ... By Cyrus Achouri. pp.1-30. Avolio, B. and Yammarino, F. (2013).Transformational and charismatic leadership. Bingley, UK: Emerald. Babcock-Roberson, M. and Strickland, O. (2010). 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Kentucky: South Western Cengage Learning. Marshall, C. and Rossman, G. (2006).Designing qualitative research. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Maxwell, J. (2005).Qualitative research design. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Merriam, S. and Merriam, S. (2009).Qualitative research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. MITCHELL, G. and SCHMITZ, H. (2013). Principled instrumentalism: a theory of transnational NGO behaviour.Rev. Int. Stud., 40(03), pp.487-504. Neider, L. and Schriesheim, C. (2002).Leadership. Greenwich, Conn.: Information Age Pub. Northouse, P. (2007).Leadership. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. Ritchie, J., Ormston, R., Lewis, J. and Nicholls, N. (2015).Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science Students and .... pp.1-30. Seidman, I. (2006).Interviewing as qualitative research. New York: Teachers College Press. Silverman, D. (1997).Qualitative research. London: Sage Publications. Silverman, D. (2010).Doing qualitative research. London: SAGE. Sparks, G. (2011).Charismatic Leadership: An Exploratory Investigation of the Techniques of .George A. Sparks. pp.2-15. Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. (1998).Basics of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Stutje, J. (2012).Charismatic leadership and social movements. New York: Berghahn Books. Yang, L., Huang, C. and Wu, K. (2011). The association among project manager's leadership style, teamwork and project success.International Journal of Project Management, 29(3), pp.258-267. Zopiatis, A. and Constanti, P. (2010). Leadership styles and burnout: is there an association?.Int J Contemp Hospitality Mngt, 22(3), pp.300-320.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Remoteness of Damages free essay sample
Remoteness of damage relates to the requirement that the damage must be of a foreseeable type. In negligence claims, once the claimant has established that the defendant owes them a duty of care and is in breach of that duty which has caused damage, they must also demonstrate that the damage was not too remote. Remoteness of damage must also be applied to claims under the Occupiers Liability Acts and also to nuisance claims. Remoteness of damage is often viewed as an additional mechanism of controlling tortious liability. Not every loss will be recoverable in tort law. Originally a defendant was liable for all losses which were a direct consequence of the defendants breach of duty: Re Polemis Furness Withy Company ltd. [1921]3 KB 560 This was largely considered unfair as a defendant could be liable for damage which was not foreseeable and therefore could not take steps to prevent it. We will write a custom essay sample on Remoteness of Damages or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The direct consequence test was overruled in the Wagon Mound no 1 and replaced with a new test for deciding if damages are too remote: The Wagon Mound no 1 [1961] AC 388 Following the Wagon Mound no 1 the test for remoteness of damage is that damage must be of a kind which was foreseeable. Once damage is of a kind that is foreseeable the defendant is liable for the full extent of the damage no matter whether the extent of the damage is foreseeable. The Wagon Mound test was considered and applied in: Hughes v Lord Advocate [1963] AC 837 Doughty v Turner Manufacturing Company [1964] 1 QB 518 There has been some confusion as to whether for remoteness of damage, in addition to being damage of a type which is foreseeable, the damage must occur in a foreseeable manner. Hughes v Lord Advocate suggests not but see: Tremain v Pike [1969] 1 WLR 1556 Jebson v Ministry of Defence [2000] EWCA Civ 198Â Jolley v Sutton [2000] 1 WLR 1082 The Egg shell skull rule. Â A final aspect of remoteness of damage is the egg shell (or thin) skull rule. This means a defendant must take their victim as they find them. Ie if the victim is particularly vulnerable or has a pre-existing condition resulting in them suffering greater injury than would be expected in an ordinary person, the defendant remains responsible for the full extent of the injury: Smith v Leech Brain [1962] 2 QB 405 Page v Smith [1996] 1 AC 155 Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] 2WLR 499 Cases Re Polemis Furness Withy Company Ltd. [1921] 3 KB 560 Some Stevedores carelessly dropped a plank of wood into the hold of a ship. The plank struck something as it was falling which caused a spark. The spark was ignited by petrol vapours resulting in the destruction of the ship. The arbitrator held that the causing of the spark could not have been anticipated and therefore no liability arose. The claimant appealed. Held: There was no requirement that the damage was foreseeable. The defendant was liable for all the direct consequences of their action. NB This was overruled in Wagon Mound No 1 The Wagon Mound no 1 [1961] AC 388 House of Lords The defendants vessel, The Wagon Mound, leaked furnace oil at a Wharf in Sydney Harbour. Some cotton debris became embroiled in the oil and sparks from some welding works ignited the oil. The fire spread rapidly causing destruction of some boats and the wharf. Held: Re Polemis should no longer be regarded as good law. A test of remoteness of damage was substituted for the direct consequence test. The test is whether the damage is of a kind that was foreseeable. If a foreseeable type of damage is present, the defendant is liable for the full extent of the damage, no matter whether the extent of damage was foreseeable. Doughty v Turner Manufacturing Company [1964] 1 QB 518 few moments later an explosion occurred. The claimant was standing close by and suffered burns from the explosion. The explosion occurred as a result of the asbestos reacting with the chemicals in the liquid in the high temperature. At the time of the incident it was not known that the asbestos could react in that way. Held: The damage was too remote. It was not foreseeable that an explosion would occur. Whilst it may be foreseeable the lid may have caused a splash resulting in a scold, it was not foreseeable that an explosion would occur resulting in burns. Hughes v Lord Advocate [1963] AC 837 House of Lords Two boys aged 8 and 10 went exploring an unattended man hole. The man hole had been left by workmen taking a break. It was surrounded by a tent and some paraffin lamps were left to warn road users of the danger. The boys took a lamp down the hole. One of them dropped the lamp and an unforeseeable explosion occurred resulting in extensive burns. Held: The damage was not too remote it was foreseeable that the boys may suffer a burn from the lamp. The fact that the burn resulted from an unforeseeable explosion did not prevent the type of damage being foreseeable. Jolley v Sutton [2000] 1 WLR 1082 Two 14 year old boys found an abandoned boat on land owned by the council and decided to do it up. The boat was in a thoroughly rotten condition and represented a danger. The council had stuck a notice on the boat warning not to touch the boat and that if the owner did not claim the boat within 7 days it would be taken away. The council never took it away. The boys had been working on the boat for 6-7 weeks when one of them suffered severe spinal injuries, resulting in paraplegia, when the boat fell on top of him. The boys had jacked the boat up to work on the underside and the jack went through the rotten wood. The claimant brought an action under the Occupiers Liability Act 1984. The trial judge found for the claimant. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision, holding that whilst it was foreseeable that younger children may play on the boat and suffer an injury by falling through the rotten wood, it was not foreseeable that older boys would try to do the boat up. The claimant appealed. House of Lords held: The claimants appeal was allowed. The risk was that children would meddle with the boat at the risk of some physical injury The actual injury fell within that description. Lord Steyn: The scope of the two modifiers the precise manner in which the injury came about and its extent is not definitively answered by either The Wagon Mound (No. 1) or Hughes v. Lord Advocate. It requires determination in the context of an intense focus on the circumstances of each case. age v Smith [1996] 1 AC 155 House of Lords The claimant had suffered from ME over a period of time and was in recovery when he was involved in a minor car accident due to the defendants negligence. The claimant was not physically injured in the collision but the incident triggered his ME and had become chronic and permanent so that he was unable to return to his job as a teacher. He was successful at his trial and awarded ? 162,000 in damages. Held: Provided some kind of personal injury was foreseeable it did not matter whether the injury was physical or psychiatric. There was thus no need to establish that psychiatric injury was foreseeable. Also the fact that an ordinary person would not have suffered the injury incurred by the claimant was irrelevant as the defendant must take his victim as he finds him under the thin skull rule.
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